If the borrower does not repay the loan in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract and pay the additional interest. 借款方不按合同规定归还贷款的。应当承担违约责任。并加付利息。
Current Situation of Woman Peasants 'Land Contract and Related Economic Interest 农村妇女土地承包权及相关经济利益实现状况分析
Correlation Between Safeguarding the Rights of Nursing Staff and Subjective Evaluation of Their Profession Current Situation of Woman Peasants 'Land Contract and Related Economic Interest 护理人员权益保障因素与职业主观评价的相关性分析农村妇女土地承包权及相关经济利益实现状况分析
Any contract transfering land or any interest in land must be in write. 任何转让土地或土地权益的合同必须作成书面。
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的索赔都不会被受理。
With this underlying stock value, the bonds will sell for about$ 10, regardless of the contract interest rate. 根据这个股价,债券将按10美元的价格出售,而不考虑合同利率。
The Contractor shall not assign the whole or any part of the contract nor any benefit or interest under it without the prior written approval of the company. 未经业主事先书面同意,承包商不得转让本合同的全部或任何部分、或本合同下的任何利益。
The company shall be entitled to assign the whole or any part of the contract or any benefit or interest under it at any time without the approval of the Contractor provided that the company notifies the contractor of such an assignment. 业主有权在任何时候转让本合同的全部或任何部分或本合同下的任何利益,而无需承包商的同意,前提是业主将该转让告知了承包商。
Bonds sell at a premium when the contract interest rate on the bond exceeds the market rate for similar bonds. 当债券的合同利率高于相似债券的市场利率时,债券溢价发行。
This way, consumers protect themselves against changes to the parts of the provider contract that don't interest them. 这样一来,消费者可以保护自己免受它不关注部分的变化的影响。
Futures contract in interbank interest rate 银行同业拆息期货合约
As one type of the beneficial enjoyment upon contract importantly, reliance interest is provided by the law-maker according to the principle of fidelity and credit for the purpose of the security of transaction. 信赖利益是合同法上的一项重要利益形态,是法律基于诚实信用原则,为保护交易安全所作的特别规定。
We have found some ways to evaluate the risks of Foreign Exchange Forward Contract and Interest Rate Swaps; 通过对远期外汇协议以及利率互换风险的评测,使表外业务的风险评估成为可能;
The article discusses four problems: the characteristics of insurance contracts, the offer and acceptance in a insurance contract, the form of a insurance contract, and the interest of insurance. 本文针对争论比较多的保险合同的特征、保险合同中的要约与承诺、保险合同的形式以及保险利益等四个问题展开分析和讨论。
The main differences between administrative contract and civil contract are whether the objective of the contract is public interest and whether the content is regulated by public law. 行政合同与民事合同的区别主要体现在合同目的是否具有公益性、合同内容是否受公法调整。
The fourth part of centralism has indicated our country law and appraises to the contract reliance interest protection present situation. 第四部分集中表述了我国法律对合同信赖利益保护的现状并予以评价。
The Contract Governance Future Interest Rate Applied in Asset-Liability Management of Life Insurance Firms 远期利率在寿险公司资产负债管理中的应用
However, there are massive problems about breaking contract during the implementation, which have seriously harassed the agricultural product market order and harmed the contract litigants'economic interest. 但订单农业在实施中遇到大量的违约问题,已严重影响农产品市场秩序,损害当事人的经济利益。
When the concepts of insurance contract interest and insurable interest are differentiated, the argument will vanish. 当我们区分保险合同利益和可保利益这两个概念的时候,一些争论就会消化于无形。
Therefore subject to an incentive constraint, the general contractor will work hard in the course of the whole contract for the continued interest and sustained and more effective in future. 因此,总承包商受到了一个激励约束作用,在履约过程中一直努力工作,为以后更多的效益打好基础。
Insurance contract interest has unique function on the development of insurance business. 对于保险业的发展,保险合同利益有独特的功能。
This part of the mainly from the parties to an insurance contract interest, comparing the obligations of the parties. 该部分主要是从保险合同双方当事人利益出发,将双方的义务进行比较。
The primary method to evaluate the contractual articles is to analyze the norm purpose and protective interest of specific mandatory provisions and contract interest as representative of contract freedom under the orientation of proportionality principles. 在比例原则的指导下,通过对具体强制性规定规范目的和保护利益的探寻,并与合同自由为代表的合同利益进行比较、衡量,是判定合同效力的基本方法。
From the light of various documents, because of no differentiating the concepts of insurable interest and insurance contract interest, people confused the functions of them. 从各种文献资料来看,由于没有区分可保利益和保险合同利益这两个概念,所以人们不仅没有正确研究可保利益和保险合同利益的功能,而且混淆了保险合同利益和可保利益的功能。
The system of fault liability to contract was established in the crack between the traditional contract and tort which solve the protection problems of the contract reliance interest that were not solved by the traditional contract and tort. 缔约过失责任制度是在传统的契约法和侵权法的缝隙中产生的。该理论的出现有效解决了传统契约法和侵权法没能解决的对先合同信赖利益的保护问题。
In the information asymmetry and incomplete contract circumstances, the interest conflicts between self-benefit managers and shareholders, and the managerial entrenchment behavior, through which the managers strengthen their position and concentrate on perusing their own utility, was inspired. 在信息不对称和契约不完备的情况下,自利管理者与股东之间的利益冲突,引发管理者固守职位并最大化自身效用的管理防御行为。
Insurance contract interest is a kind of benefit which is enjoyed by the insurant or beneficiary or other who have the asking right for insurance money, because of the validity of insurance contract. 保险合同利益是一种因为保险合同的有效存在而由被保险人或者受益人或者其他享有保险金请求权的人享有的利益。
On the other hand, insurance contract interest cannot be separated from insurance contract. 保险合同利益却离不开保险合同而单独存在。
Installment sales contract the buyer interest protection, especially in the case sold for the protection of the rights of the buyer made a different sub-specific analysis. 分期付款买卖合同中买受人利益保护,特别是在一物数卖情形下如何保护买受人的权利分不同的情况作了具体的分析。